IntestiFlora 7TM helps build a natural balance of healthy probiotics, like acidophilus, in your digestive tract. Daily use can improve your overall immune health and digestive function. It can also help with the digestion of dairy products. In addition to seven probiotics, this product includes a prebiotic to encourage their growth – and the stick packs need no refrigeration. Swallow the contents of a stick pack, sprinkle it on cold foods, or mix it into cold drinks.Nutrilite IntestiFlora 7TM
Provides seven highly concentrated levels of healthy microflora.
Helps replenish and enhance the natural balance of the healthy probiotics found naturally in your digestive tract.
Protects the seven microflora cultures with a unique, patented coating.Comes in a 0.05 g stick pack that needs no refrigeration.Seven probiotics defend your GI system
Build up your first line of defense against harmful microflora in your digestive tract with the power of seven probiotics. You get daily support for your immune system and digestion.
30-day supply
0.05 oz.
Item #:AA-0114
Price:$53.25 USD
Provides seven highly concentrated levels of healthy microflora.
Helps replenish and enhance the natural balance of the healthy probiotics found naturally in your digestive tract.
Protects the seven microflora cultures with a unique, patented coating.Comes in a 0.05 g stick pack that needs no refrigeration.Seven probiotics defend your GI system
Build up your first line of defense against harmful microflora in your digestive tract with the power of seven probiotics. You get daily support for your immune system and digestion.
30-day supply
0.05 oz.
Item #:AA-0114
Price:$53.25 USD